Have you ever felt sad, discouraged, confused, or fearful? WELCOME TO HUMANITY. You must be one of the many who are STILL ALIVE. Yes, these and other feelings that are less than joyful are part of our living experience. Yet, knowing this, I still want these feelings to GO AWAY. So what can we do to learn from them and move on? First understand that these feelings are part of the life journey and accept that they are not a glitch in your makeup but are there to help us learn and grow. Allow them to be. Now that does not excuse hurtful actions to yourself or others. But you can allow the feeling to have a time of reflection and acceptance. Taking an approach of curiosity can lessen the pain. You can ask “What can I learn from this experience?” “Why am I feeling this way?” “Is there something I can do differently?” ect...These feelings also help us cherish the ups of good times, happiness, celebration and so forth. Then the rest of this article is to provide tips for shortening the down period and moving towards an up swing. A wise mentor once told me. “We can’t wait for positive emotions to show up in the mail. We have to create them.”
1. Make a gratitude list- What can you be thankful for? (It may feel like a stretch at first, but really once you can find a heart of thankfulness the possibilities are endless and you will begin the first steps towards feeling better.)
2. Exercise- Yes, physical activity creates positive endorphins. There is a reason going for walk is therapeutic. I personally find it hard to be grumpy when working out, once I am in the groove. It is just so invigorating. For even more endorphins enlist a friend. It is proven that females make even more positive endorphins when working out in a group, versus exercising alone.
3. Use body language which can literally change your neurological messages. Look up. No wonder Grandma told us to keep our chin up during hard times. It actually works. Uncross your arms and allow an open stance. For even more power choose a stance with your hands above your head, than stand up tall with equal weight between your feet. (Think Superhero). If you hold the pose for 2 minutes researchers state and your hormones will actually change. Body Language expert Ann Washburn reports that in studies on body language, participants were asked to hold different poses for 2 minutes and then attend a job interview following this experiment. The judges/prospective employers were not privy to the prior instructions but without fail choose the recipients who held confident poses prior to their interaction, even though they were not holding the pose during the interview. INTERESTING. (Watch the Body Language Show @ 3key elements for more fascinating body language tips)
4. Music….the good, uplifting kind of course. What makes good music? While this can vary based on preferences, for it to help with mood and motivation it needs to have lyrics and tones which are encouraging, and positive. Music is very powerful and create emotions of all kinds. Use the uplifting ones to benefit every aspect of your life.
5. Supplement your nutrition- “Researchers have studied the association between foods and the brain and identified 10 nutrients that can combat depression and boost mood: calcium, chromium, folate, iron, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12,Vitamin D and zinc.” For more information as to how this works check out the link below, or many other nutritional sources... Info credit taken from: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/10-nutrients-that-can-lift-your-spirits/2014/01/14/05f4e514-7a4d-11e3-b1c5-739e63e9c9a7_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.36b84f20ae73) I eat pretty clean and mostly nutritious foods and still I can testify from personal experience that unless I am taking a vitamin D and multivitamin supplement on a daily basis I begin to feel a mood decline. In this case popping a pill can be one answer. Of course if you have medical questions always seek a direction from a medical professional.
6. Find positive examples and mentors- Read or listen to books about the experiences of others who have overcome adversity. Find role models who can give you answers or suggestion on your individual struggles. I find it also helps lift my mood to serve or mentor others. (YEP, this post was not 100% altruistic, I'm hoping for a mood boost too.)
7. Use affirmations and declarations. Don’t know what those are? Basically any positive words focused on the present that reminds us of our potential and possibilities. Sometimes we all just need a little help in imagining the outcome we would like to have. That way when it appears we can embrace it and know we were part of the creation process. Think favorite quote or prayer verse.
8. Talk with a friend- We all have social needs, and interacting with others who care about you can help. I recommend choosing a friend who will offer acceptance and a listening ear, one who can be in the moment with you while still encouraging your potential for the future. This is not for a complain fest, but instead a time of reflection, empathy and understanding in such a way that only true friends can offer.
9. Change your thoughts and perspective- Practice techniques which change your mental pathways and or vibrations. Did you know our thought patterns play a large part in how we process our experience and how we will react? Complaining actually trains our mind to look for more negative outcomes. But thanks to neuroplasticity (The ability to for our mind to adapt) we can change those patterns. There are multiple modalities and theories out there, some of my favorite are: Cognitive therapy: Changing thought patterns by recognizing errors in how we think and choosing alternative ideas. Another is the Hawaiian technique of ho'oponopono ( ho'o ("to make") and pono ("right")) harnessing the power of repentance, forgiveness, gratitude and love and taking personal accountability in the journey above.
10. Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It's also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. People who use this technique believe tapping the body can create a balance in your energy system and treat pain. It isn’t for everyone, but it definitely helps in situations like anxiety or for those extra CRAZY moments when you feel nothing else is working. My favorite site for instructing and describing how to use this technique is www.thetappingsolution.com
11. Seek inspiration. For those who are spiritual this may include prayer or guidance can come from any higher power (something bigger than yourself). Those trees, the mountains many have lived longer than you. They have seen a lot. ;) Take time in nature or relax in an environment where you feel inspired.
12. Meditation, Mindfulness, and Yoga practice. All of these modalities show us ways to slow down the business and worries of our mind and focus inward. This equates to numerous health benefits and increased focus = happiness, inner peace and productivity an UP WE ARE ALL REACHING FOR.
Wow, once started I can think of so many ways to recharge and recalibrate, even several that are not listed. I would love to know what your favorite ways change your mood in a positive way?